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Van kunstgeschiedenis via poëzie schrijven tot in situ performance

Gastprofessor Kunstgeschiedenis (Barok periode) ad interim (Engels en Nederlands) aan de Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerpen (2024)

“Poetry and the Brain: Oral, Visual & Language Conception. The Prosody of Visual & Verbal Artefacts in the Brain”, “Surrealism 100” international conference at the Estonian National Museum, Tartu, Estonia (2024)


“This presentation delves into the intricate relationship between poetry and the brain, focusing on the oral, visual, and language-based manifestations of poetic expression. Through an examination of both verbal and visual artifacts, we explore the prosodic elements that evoke neural responses, shedding light on the cognitive processes underlying poetic appreciation. Employing a diverse research methodology, definitions of poetry and visual poetry specifically plus a comprehensive multi- and interdisciplinary toolbox, including brain scans to measure neural activity, we investigate how poetry is perceived and should be studied.
We also explore different surrealist methodologies of writing and surrealist poets’ unique visions of poetry.
With this presentation we aim to deepen our understanding of the neural mechanisms involved in the comprehension and appreciation of poetry across different modalities.”

“A lecture on the essence of performance poetry: The Oral Conception and Prosody of a Verbal Artefact in the Brain” in het Engels, Sliding Doors lezingen reeks, Koninklijk Conservatorium Antwerpen (2024)


“Poetry and Performance”, lezing in het Engels in the 3rd High School of Serres, Serres, Griekenland (2023)


“poésie et performance” Franstalige lezing aan studenten Drama aan de Moncton University, departement Drama, Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada (2023)

“A lecture on the essence of poetry: The trance of the read verbal artifact”

Gastlezing  in het Polish Japanese Institute of Information Technology, Warschau, Polen (2023)


“Performance Strategies Visual Poetry”

Gastlezing bachelors Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten Antwerpen tijdens de colleges van Johan Pass


“Occupied City: Visual Poetry – Performance Poetry”

Gastlezing in het Engels aan 2e bachelors Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten Antwerpen – Koninklijk Conservatorium Antwerpen.  Docenten: Maud Vanhauwaert – Michaël Segers